Nduja 'Sausage' and Red Wine Ragu

Super simple
Super simple
Super simple
Super simple
0:40 m

Did you know that not all wine is in fact vegan - and good vegan wine can be really hard to find? Well fear not, because we have you covered.

This amazing pasta dish has spicy plant-based nduja and a lovely red wine ragu made with Sainsbury’s Cune Crianza Rioja, all served with a good sprinkle of plant-based parmesan cheese. In short, it's indulgent pasta fit for vegan royalty.

Start cooking ➞




For the pasta

<item-todo-done>2 red onions<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>3 garlic cloves<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>8 good quality plant-based sausages (about 400g)<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>2g sweet paprika<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>2g dried thyme<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>2g dried rosemary<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>1 vegetable stock cube<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>30ml olive oil<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>200ml Sainsbury's Cune Crianza Rioja<item-todo-done><item-todo-done> 2-4 tbsp plant-based nduja paste<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>10g nutritional yeast<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>100ml oat cream<item-todo-done><item-todo-done>450g rigatoni pasta<item-todo-done><item-todo-done> Salt & pepper<item-todo-done>

To serve

<item-todo-done> fresh green herbs<item-todo-done><item-todo-done> plant-based parmesan<item-todo-done><item-todo-done> pepper<item-todo-done>

Before you start

High sided saucepan | Large pot

Prepare the ingredients

  • Peel and dice the red onions and garlic.
  • Slice open the sausages and remove the “skin”.

Prepare the sauce

  • Mix the stock cube with 200ml boiling water until dissolved.
  • Place a large pan over a medium-high heat and add the olive oil.
  • Once warm, add the diced red onion, garlic and a pinch of salt.
  • Mix well and cook for 5-10 minutes, or until the onion turns soft.
  • Once the onions turn soft, crumble in the sausage meat and stir for 4 minutes.
  • After 4 minutes, add the paprika and dried herbs to the pan and stir for a minute.
  • After a minute, add the Sainsbury’s Cune Crianza Rioja and hot stock water, mix well and bring to the boil before reducing the heat and leaving to simmer for at least 10 minutes, or until all of the liquid is absorbed.
  • Once the liquid has been absorbed, mix through the plant-based Nduja paste (depending on how spicy you want it), nutritional yeast and plant-based cream.
  • Reduce the heat and leave to simmer for 5-10 minutes while the pasta cooks.

While the sauce simmers, prepare the pasta

  • Add a big pinch of salt to a big pot of boiling water over a medium heat, add the pasta and cook according to the package instructions - cooking for 1 less minute than stated.

Finish the pasta

  • Once the pasta is cooked, spoon a ladleful of pasta water into the saucepan (if needed), stir to combine and turn off the heat.
  • Drain the pasta with a colander and immediately transfer the pasta to the saucepan.

Time to serve

  • Stir the pasta into the sauce until well covered.
  • Transfer the pasta into serving bowls, top with plant-based parmesan cheese and pepper, garnish with some fresh green herbs and serve immediately.
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